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Award-winning Projects

Foodmach won 3 of 5 categories at the 2019 APPMA Awards of Excellence, which received a record number of entries.

The awards were for:

Best New Product
GEA Vipoll ALL IN ONE FILLER | Lion’s Malt Shovel Brewery

Customer Collaboration
Dulux Merrifield | Industry 4.0 Factory of the Future | Turnkey Filling Lines

Imported Equipment
GEA Vipoll ALL IN ONE FILLER | Lion’s Malt Shovel Brewery

The biennial Industry Excellence Awards are run by the Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association and are designed to recognise innovative and outstanding packaging and processing solutions.

For more about the award-winning projects, see the case studies below:

Malt Shovel Brewery

By its very nature, craft brewing entails smaller batches of product. The growth in popularity of craft beer in cans has led to the need for a wider variety of packaging formats. However, the breweries themselves are generally small and space-constrained, with barely enough room for one bottle-filling machine let alone a separate can filler.

Enter the GEA Vipoll ALL IN ONE, new-to-world technology introduced to Australia by Foodmach, able to run glass bottles and beverage cans (and PET bottles) through one machine in a compact layout. It was the perfect solution for Lion’s Malt Shovel Brewery, which needed increased speed, flexibility and optimised product quality in a small, historic brewery.

Paul Woods, Capital Projects Director, Lion: ‘We had been looking for a solution to give customers a choice of our small-batch brews in both bottles and cans. Foodmach’s introduction to Vipoll was perfectly timed and provided a solution that exactly matched our needs.’  
(‘Lion gets world-first can and bottle filler’ PKN Packaging News)

The ALL IN ONE filler was just the beginning.

Foodmach worked with Lion and Vipoll to develop the rest of the filling line in order to best meet the project challenges.

Read the full case study

DuluxGroup – Personalised Mass Production

Dulux Merrifield is a new $165M greenfield site in North Melbourne, currently considered one of the world's most advanced Industry 4.0 sites.

Kevin Worrell, Project Director at Dulux Australia: 'We face the enormous challenge of wanting to offer both small and large quantities of paint economically and in our customary high quality. We wanted to make sure that our new factory would be future-proofed to allow us to respond quickly to the latest trends, create new business opportunities and remain at the leading edge of paint manufacturing well into the future.'

'This factory is really, really agile. We’ve got the ability to go down to as small as one pallet of paint in a batch, to 30,000 litres of paint in a single batch. That agility gives us an advantage over the opposition. We can now make batches in 1/50th of the size, in 1/8th of the time.'

'We’re able to virtually eliminate manual interventions—reducing from approximately 75,000 per annum—giving us repeatability and pin-point accuracy with our recipes.'

Foodmach provided all filling line integration, design and manufacture of depalletising, conveying and robotic orientation systems and a line control system to link all Foodmach and OEM equipment.

'Industry 4.0 is the future. Foodmach are right at the cutting edge... a great partner to take you on that journey.’ Kevin Worrell, Dulux

Read the full case study

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